Young love

Very recently I have noticed the number of engagements among my friends and other people in general. There have been so many weddings, beautiful proposals, and happiness flying around the world these past few months. I have also been hearing, though, many people bashing these engagements, telling these couples that they are too young and that they should have waited.

This can be frustrating for the young couples and it can start to break their hearts and destroy their happiness. My view is simply this: if you are happy and know for a fact that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, then by all means do it! Don't let others tell you what to do. 

I know many young, married couples and are very good friends with them. All of the ones I have asked have told me the same thing; they do not regret their decision and are glad that they can now live and grow with their significant other. 

Older couples always say that they themselves should have waited to get married and this is the advice they give to the young couples. I know for a fact my parents have said this to me, even though we are nowhere near marriage yet. And I agree that some of them should have waited. But it was a different time then. Couples used to get married young all the time and for a lot of them it worked out just fine. It was only in the past 10 or 15 years that couples started getting married in their late 20s to early 30s. There is nothing wrong with that, that just happened to be the time that those specific people were ready. But, now, that has become the "norm" and it shouldn't be. Couple shouldn't feel as though they HAVE to wait until then if that are already ready for this.

 I feel like, now, because it is so hard to find that special someone, that when you do you should make the best of it and do what makes you both happy. If you are both ready for that commitment then why not?


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