The New Age
Hey everyone! In this blog we talk about what makes you happy. In today's society, the will to do what makes you as an individual happy is slowly fading away. Conforming to the way others want you to be is more than often the road that people, especially young people, take nowadays. Being happy with oneself and doing what you love is a scary thing in this day and age. Speaking from experience, as a broke 20 year old college student, there are many decisions that I have made already that I had wished I'd done differently. I was not very good in school and I have always felt that school made me seem stupid. I was never good at anything my family wanted, and I changed my major about four times since I started college trying to find what my niche was. Everything that I was good at and that I enjoyed doing: writing, music, decorating, design, these are things that are hard to have careers in, not only in general, but especially where I am from. My parents have always been very supportive of everything I do, but other family members and friends of mine have not. They made me feel inferior because I was not smart in math or science and because I had low hours at a part-time job. But now, finally, I am taking control of my life and not letting anyone get me down. And you should too! Take control of your lives and do what makes you happy! Not by anyone else's standards, but by your own! It's your life, not theirs. As Robert Frost says in my favorite poem, "I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference." Be yourselves and don't let anyone put you down or tell you you're not good enough. You are good enough! Always remember that!
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