
Around your 20s, you start to feel like you are thrown into the real world and have no direction. You feel lost and incomplete. This is normal, so don't be scared and don't think that you are alone; everyone goes through this at some point in their lives. Between college, looking for jobs and student loans, we feel pressured and stressed because society has a certain vision for us. We have been trained since a young age to grow up, graduate high school and then college, and then find the perfect job, get married and raise a family. This is what we have been conditioned to believe is the right path for us. So when something from this path goes wrong, we tend to freak out and think we are not doing something right. But it's okay.
I have never really done everything the way society or my family wants me to. I barely got through high school and I hated most of my time there. I am an artsy, hands on learner and high school was all tests. The only thing I loved about it was the music and drama departments, which I dedicated all of my time to. The only reason I applied to college, was because that was what everyone was doing. My counselors did not understand why I didn't want to go to college right away, so I gave in to peer pressure and applied. I did not get into any of the schools I wanted and ended up going to community college. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with community college, and in fact I loved my first year there. But after a while, school just made me feel stupid and small, and all I wanted to do was drop out. I even changed my major three times because I just didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. My grandparents and extended family did not understand why I was having trouble in school and why I hated it so much; they would call me stupid and say I would never amount to anything. For a while I started to believe them. But then my parents told me that they supported my decisions and I decided that I would graduate with my Associates to prove that I was not stupid. It took me three years instead of two, but I am graduating from college in two weeks. It was a day I felt would never happen; I didn't believe in myself enough. But I overcame that, not only to prove it to my family, but also to myself. I am not going back to school for my bachelor's right away, I am looking for jobs and have a possible job opportunity coming up, as well as going to Cosmotology school, as soon as I can find the time, to become a make up artist. I am being optimistic and maybe someday I will go back, but when it is the right time for me, not everyone else. I will pursue my dreams, and no one else's. No one can tell me that my dreams are stupid or that I am stupid, because I refuse to believe them. So believe in yourself and don't let anyone tell you that you cannot pursue your dreams. As long as you believe you can, you will.


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