What Is Normal?

Hello all,

I'm going to delve into a question that baffles people still to this day. What is normal? Is there even such a thing as "normal"? When someone tells you that you are not normal, is that always a bad thing?

Normal is a word that people use when they don't understand something. The definition of NORMAL is: "conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected." 

When they say something is not normal, it is mostly because it is not something they would do so therefore they do not understand it. There are obviously exceptions to this, some things are wrong and absolutely not "normal," such as heinous crimes people go to jail for.

So excluding those, we get back to the question of "normal." I used to be called abnormal because I was a goth in middle school. However, what was so bad about that? I wasn't going to be something I wasn't just to be called "normal". I have not gone through the "normal" steps that one is supposed to when they reach my age. The "normal" road is: graduate high school, go to a 4 year school and get your B.A. by the time you are 21/22, get a job, apartment, get married, have kids...blah blah blah. All of this by the time you are in your early 30s. This way of life may work for a lot of people, and good for them! However, this is not my life. I went to community college and received my Associate's in "General Studies" in 3 years, I am 21 years old and just recently got a "real job" after years of retail jobs, and am now going back to school for my Bachelor's in "History/European History" starting in April from an online school, which will most likely take me another 3 years. I have been with my boyfriend for just over 3 years now and marriage and all of that is still a good ways away, and we are both okay with that.

So tell me, is that what is considered normal? I can answer that right now: nope. But who cares? If you keep caring how people are going to think of you and if you are not "normal" then you will never find out who you are and do what makes you happy. It has taken me this long to get there and I still even care somewhat what people think of me. But overall, I don't care anymore.

It is time to start living for yourself and doing what YOU think is normal for YOU. Not for everyone else. They had their chance for their "normal," and if they didn't take that chance, then that is not your fault. So do not let them tell you that you or something you love isn't normal. Because, honestly, what is normal?


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