Wake Up Call

This blog that I have made is obviously not a religious blog. I have posted one religious thing since since I started it about a month ago. But now, I am about to get real.

Do not take this post as me not being proud of America and for the gay community, because I am extremely proud and happy for them. It is there lives and, as a heterosexual woman in a committed relationship already, it does not affect me whatsoever. So why should I be angry that gay marriage was finally legalized? I shouldn't! And I am not! I am one of the few who are completely neutral on the entire situation. Love is love, and if someone really wants to get married that badly, then I say let them. Why the hell not? I am not judge and jury so I really don't care! So congrats guys, you finally did it!! :D

Now, this post, though, is not about gay marriage. This post is going to center on people who I and friends of mine, as Christians who believe in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, have been dealing with. No one is perfect, let me just get that right out of the way. Not a straight person, a gay person, man, woman, Christian or Atheist, ect. So, if you think you are, you are seriously wrong my friend. Jesus is perfect; God is perfect. You and I are definitely not. But that is okay. Everyone in the world in entitled to their own opinions and their own beliefs. My beliefs, however, are just as important as someone else's. So when someone who is fighting for equal rights, comes at me or someone I love and blatantly attacks our religion and beliefs, telling us that we wrong and that we should shut up and stop corrupting the world, THAT is where I draw the line.

First of all, to the people who say things like that, who are you to say those words to me? Just because you are fighting for a good cause does NOT mean that you are a saint! Far from it actually! You talk about equal rights? Well equal rights is not just limited to gays and straights. It is everyone, being equal in this world. If I disagree with you, then that is because I am human. I will always respect your beliefs, but I may not agree with something you say. Does that mean I am a bigot? No it does not!! So many people feel that, because they are fighting for equal rights, that their minds are automatically open. Well, newsflash, anyone...and seriously ANYONE who is discriminatory toward someone because of sex, religion, beliefs...anything...is the most close minded person I have ever seen.

Now, do not think I am accusing everyone who is an equal rights activist, because I am not. I am merely taking this from experiences that I and loved ones have recently gone through, just by posting that we love God. So to everyone, even Atheists who have done this to me, if I do not constantly badger you about the Lord, why do you feel like you have to cut me down and diminish my love for Him? Why do you try to make me hide in a corner and be ashamed and scared of my beliefs, just because you automatically assume I hate gays or I will damn you to hell? Well, you know what they say about assuming...it makes an ass out of you and me! So let's get one thing clear, I do not hate gay people, nor have I ever!! They're people, just like you and me!! And why, if I even had the power to, would I damn you to hell? Why would you think my entire existence revolves around what you think? I serve my Lord, Jesus Christ. And I will not apologize for that. Ever. It is time that we emerge from the shadows and be proud to serve Jesus. So let me and the rest of His followers, who do not give you problems and do not want to cause any harm, express our love just as you and everyone else express yours. That is equal rights. You respect me, I respect you. And we are kind to one another.


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