Been feeling lots of love lately. First, everyone I loved was able to come to see me as I graduated from college, and then I am starting my new job tomorrow!! Everyone keeps telling me how proud they are and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Haha. But I am also proud of myself for getting this far and not giving up when life got rough. Everyone who has supported me and loved me are a big reason that I am where I am today. But I also owe everything to God. He did not let me give up; He always had a plan. And this plan could not have happened any better. Perfect timing. That shows me that it was Him and that He is helping me succeed because He knows I can and will. I would like to share one of my favorite Bible verses with you, because it is just so beautiful. It keeps me going on those days where I think the world is ending. Things do not happen with your timing, they happen with His.
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