Time Flies

It's crazy how fast time flies. One minute you are young, having fun with no cares in the world. And the next minute, you're all grown up. You realize how long you have had your friends, which ones have stayed and which have gone, you look back through relationships and life experiences. Some of them you look at and ask yourself, "Why? Was I on drugs?" and just laugh. Others you look back on with remorse and sadness. But in the end you realize that everything happens for a reason and things do work out for the best. This past year I have lost people, watched my two best friends marry the loves of their lives, was diagnosed with a painful bladder disease, got my first real adult job, and found out who was in my life for the long haul. All I can say is life may throw some curveballs your way, trust me, but it's all going to be ok. Instead of focusing on the bad, focus on the good. Enjoy the happiness of your friends and family and cherish the good days that you have. Because like I said, it's crazy how fast time flies.



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